Covered is safe



Irrespective of how dry and dust free your garage is, it’s always sensible to keep a cover over your pride and joy.

Not only can this keep any airborne dirt from settling on the pristine paint and polish (or otherwise), it can also give an extra level of protection against knocks and dings, and it also means that prying eyes don’t know what it is beneath the cover, a well-known aid against theft.

Richbrook – a car specialist branching out into the motorcycle market – is producing its “supersoft, superstretchy, superstrong” motorcycle covers, made from the same material as the company’s highly commended car covers with a Lycra-based fabric that is dustproof yet breathable (thus preventing condensation forming on the bike), and as it’s a heavier 180gsm (grammes per square metre) material, it also gives reasonable protection.

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They’re machine washable, available in red or black and are supplied in a neat storage bag. Priced at £40 they are available direct from Richbrook at

Read more News and Features at and in the August 2020 issue of Old Bike Mart – on sale now!





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