Middle England’s trials review



Looking back on a good first year of their championship, in spite of cancelling an event, the Middle England Classic Vehicle Club is keener than ever.

Congratulations to the class winners:

Class A (Rigids) Steve Kingston 8pts
Class B (Twinshocks) Andy Hesketh 6pts
Class C (Monoshocks) Lee Abbott 8pts

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The championship will be limited to MECVC events only for 2020.

The volunteer marshals/observers will be encouraged to commit to the events.

Instead of a free meal they will be given £10 towards their expenses if they do one section in the morning, moving on to another in the afternoon.

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A great day out watching and marking the entrants in the fresh air of Weardale, Cumbria and Northumbria – who can resist?

In the past the club have also provided the entrants with a free meal.

‘Steady as she goes’ is the drill for water crossings.

Next year the club will instead try to organise refreshments and a meal to be available as an option for them to buy when they enter. This will give the entrants more choice and reduce the entry fee.

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A further reduction will be the charity donation. This again will not be in the entrance fee but an option on the entry form.

The events 2020

■ The Durham Dales Trial March 15, 2020
This is for cars and bikes
■ Bike only July 19, 2020
■ Bike only October 11, 2020

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More info on www.MECVC.org.uk or ring Bernie Pugh on 07835 407626, or Graham on 07989 446131

Read more News and Features in the Spring 2020 issue of Classic Dirt Bike – on sale now!





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