News – Clan McKenzie at CMM pub night!



Keep this date free in your diary! June 9 is when the Clan Mackenzie will be starring at CMM’s pub night!

Tarran, Jan (the nicest one), Taylor and Old Spuds!

The do takes place at The Olde Three Cocks pub in Brigstock, Northants and it promises to be a full-on CMM-backed night of stories of modern racing and tales from the glory days of 500cc GP’s and three BSB titles! The Old Trout might even let his lads Taylor and Tarran (2016 British Champs) get a word in edgeways too…

Free to enter, the pub can do you some decent food and there will be some auction items up for grabs too, for the benefit of a local charity. Editor Bert will be the compere, but then you can’t have everything.

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