Scott Trial Centenary



One family that’s had its name carved on the trophy a number of times is the Lampkin clan in Yorkshire. As well as winning the event in 1966 and setting fastest time about half a million times, Alan ‘Sid’ Lampkin is responsible for organising the Scott Reunion Dinner too.

It seems former organiser, the late Tom Ellis, virtually ordered Alan to take over from him.

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Speaking with him, while at Tinto Park for the Robbie Allan 50/50 meeting, he asked if we could publicise the event in CDB news and stress that the dinner is open to all Scott riders and enthusiasts. It will be an extra special dinner this year, as this is Scott Centenary year, and the evening will be on November 15, 2014 at the Ripon Spa Hotel.

Alan urges all former and current riders and enthusiasts to attend. It is of course pre-book and you can get tickets from Alan on 01535 652328 (daytime) or email him on [email protected]

Where is it?
The picture accompanying this news item is of Alan Lampkin during his 1966 winning ride on his works BSA 250 (reg 748 MOE). It seems the BSA has vanished into the ether and has so far resisted all attempts to be found unless you know different. If you know where the Beezer is then Alan would love to hear from you at the number or email above.

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