Classic Dirtbike on sale – issue 31



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Editor’s intro

Tim Britton sets the scene

• In Balance
The editor’s view of the scene as he sees it… usually from underneath a bike in the mud somewhere, or sprawled over the ‘bars gasping for breath

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• News
All the latest gossip, news, views, bits, bobs and what-have-you in the classic off-road world. You tell us, we tell the world, as we can’t keep a secret

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• Original and Unrestored
Have we run out of unsullied motorcycles to feature in this section? No! This month a Bultaco Alpina turns up in the editor’s home town

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• Something special
There’s a common theme in this part of the mag, all the bikes have something about them that makes them special. A rigid converted to swingarm for instance

• You need
This is where we tell you what you ought to have in your shed, if you’ve listened to everything we’ve said, it will be a packed shed by now

• Dirt Products
Need something to keep you or your bike in prime condition? Look here. Made something to keep bikes or riders in prime condition? Let us know, we’ll put it here

Article continues below…

• Smith Tales
The life and times of an apprentice at BSA, as told by Jeff Smith. You didn’t think all that engineering skill was learned in a shed by gas light did you?

Dirt Talk
Lots to talk about in the off-road world this time, it’s all in here

• Moto Memories
Into the archive, dig out some pics and hey presto days have gone by… but it’s worth it for fabulous images

Article continues below…

• This sporting life

Our look at what’s what in sport. From the Dave Thorpe Evo series, to the Talmag and out to Jersey for the two-day trial and the first round of our sponsored trials series, it’s all in here

• The Wright stuff
Probably the biggest show totally devoted to classic off-road, Alan Wright’s Putoline Off-Road and Racing show at Telford attracts all sorts of things

• Iconic Engines

Third in our short series of iconic engines, this issue it’s the ultimate MX engine – BSA’s mighty Gold Star

• Rebuilt to ride
Almost finished, Jerry’s Montesa runs into an ethanol problem as the petrol tank starts to delaminate… still, the bike is together

• Tech talk
There are a lot of ways in which ‘sound’ is useful… but for us in the old bike world, it’s cleaning properties are of interest

• Education

PE used stand for Physical Education, Suzuki’s PE stands for Perfect Endurance, though it is physical and definitely an education

• Competition
WIN a huge collection of Duck Smart products, making sure you have no excuse for not keeping your Classic Dirtbike clean this season

• Anniversary time
The Pre 65 Scottish hits 30 this year. we take a look back at some winners and some action from the past three decades

• The land of MX
Sweden could arguably be called the land of MX given its place in the scene, Birger Tommos pops along to a new MX museum for us in, yes, Sweden

Moto memories
Archive picture

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