Dirt bike orienteering



This is fast becoming a must-do fixture on the classic scene with teams travelling from all over Europe to attend. It’s two days of orienteering on dirt bikes over literally hundreds of miles of staggering Pyrenees trails.

You can expect to cover up to 200 miles a day and two, three and four rider teams can enter. It’s a bit like continental hide and seek, as the teams are tasked with visiting checkpoints which have been pre-determined by the organisers. Clearly, someone has to have decent map reading skills! It’s £200 a rider and the whole event is based around the luxury (but affordable) Hotel Riberies in Llavorsi. 

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If you fancy it, get yourself and a team-mate out to Catalunya for July 15-16 to do the event, then stick around for a few more days of pony trekking, whitewater rafting and, of course, trail-riding.

No solo efforts are allowed, as it’s too dangerous, but the organisers can match you up with a partner if you’re on your lonesome.

More information and a sign up form: www.austinvince.com/navigation-events

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? View the YouTube taster video and listen to the comments of prevous entrants.





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