December’s Classic Motorcycle Mechanics on sale!



Latest CMM’s on the bookstalls!

Editor’s intro
Bertie sets the scene
The amazing 1992 Isle of Man TT recalled
Columnists, cool things and money off Fogtech!
Benellie 750 SeiQuick spin: Benelli 750 SEI
Chris Moss on a sexy six
What’s on this December. Brrrr…
All your views on CMM revealed
Show us yours
Send us pics of your pride and joy! And win a Tamiya model!
Honda Africa twin
Honda’s already emerged classic
Yamaha round tank RD collection
Dave Higgins and his amazing 250s and 350s
Nostalgia 1992
Annus horribilis revealed
Yamaha RD250A
Scoop rides a two-stroke legend
Suzuki GSX-R1100
A brutal reader’s special
Stafford Show
Did you go? If not, why not?
Bimota KB2 Laser MIRA files
John Nutting on Rimini’s middleweight marvel
Suzuki TL1000R
What if Suzuki took the twin plunge again?

Workshop news

Pip Higham and parts and products
Speedo cable swap
Done on Scoop’s FZR250
Project Spa Katana
What happens when rules are read
Ducati workshop repairProject Ducati
Reg Everett’s Montjuic marvel recreated
Suzuki GSX-R7/11
He’s cleaned it… but what’s with the Bandit?
Rebuild a crashed bike
Mark Haycock counts the cost
•  Stan Stephens
Stan on the Bridgestone GTR350
Yamaha TX500
Yammy twin buying tips
Tips told and secrets revealed
Suzuki GT550
Overshadowed no longer!

Useful links
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