Rules tightened with fitness test for worst drink drive offenders



The changes, which come into force from June 1, mean banned drivers will have to demonstrate that they are not alcohol dependent at the end of their disqualification and before they start driving.

At the moment, banned drivers can get back behind the wheel as soon as their disqualification ends just by lodging an application to get their licence back.

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They have to undergo medical examination but only before the licence itself is actually returned and it is believed that many drink drivers make the application then delay receipt of the licence so they can keep driving without being checked.

Mr Hammond said: “Drink drivers are a menace and it is right that we do everything we can to keep the most high risk offenders off the road. These changes will tighten up the law on drink driving and will mean that the most dangerous offenders will have to prove they are no longer dependent on alcohol before they are allowed to get back behind the wheel.

“The new measures will also see those drink drivers who obstruct the police by refusing to allow their blood samples to be analysed treated the same as other high risk offenders.”

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