The way we were: June 1913



Eager to attract a new additional readership The Motor Cycle appointed Mrs C C Cooke as a columnist to write ‘Ladies and the Motor Cycle’. Mrs Cooke’s current mount in 1913 was a dropped frame 2½hp Singer with which she had toured and competed in reliability trials and hill climbs.

A massive entry of 103 signed up for the IoM Senior TT and 44 for the Junior race. Organisers extended the races to seven laps (262.5 miles) for the Senior and six laps (225 miles) for the Junior.

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During race week, mutterings continued about the unfairness of multi-cylinder machines, even worse if they were two-strokes which fired twice as often. Some quarters deemed Frank Applebee’s 1912 winning Scott a step too far. On the race days HO (Tim) Wood, pushed to the limit by the Rudge of Ray (Milky) Abbott, came off in the closing stages but remounted to win by five seconds and set a new lap record of 52.12mph for the Mountain circuit. High Mason (NUT) won the Junior from Billy Newsome’s Douglas.





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