Capital idea as museum builds on success



Local lads Bill Crosby and Jim Redman at the London Museum

Previously only open from 10am to 4.30pm at weekends, the museum is now open for the same six and a half hours on Mondays too.

The museum, based at Greenford, West London, continues to attract some top motorcycle celebrities to view it ever changing displays.

The latest in a long line of racing celebrities to see the unique display of Meriden prototypes is six times world motorcycle champion Jim Redman who was escorted by Robert Driver, son of South African motorcycle ace Paddy Driver.

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Over a coffee he swapped local stories with museum founder Bill Crosby, who has been a local motorcycle dealer since 1949 and is well versed in local folklore, before recounting some of his early motorcycle career much to delight of the visitors present. Impressed with what he saw, he left promising to return from time to time when he is in the UK.

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