Help Chris go pure NUTs



Hugh Mason during his winning ride in 1913

One marque built close to the editor’s home town was the NUT – standing for Newcastle upon Tyne – and Chris Scott is the VMCC marque specialist for the make.

Chris phoned the Old Bike Mart offices recently and mentioned 2013 was the centenary of NUT, or probably more correctly the centenary of Hugh Mason’s winning of the 1913 Junior TT on a 350cc JAP engined NUT, and Chris felt this was a noteworthy event in NUT history.

Never the most prolific manufacturer, the company came to an end in 1933 when it finally closed its doors.

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As marque specialist for NUT Chris is piecing together as much of the history of NUT as he can and would be happy to hear from anyone with any documentation regarding the marque at all.

If you can help then contact Chris on 07831 862171 or email [email protected]





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