Veterans battle the elements



Rain battered this year’s run

The annual run is usually supported by individuals and clubs who provide a sideshow of classic machinery, but turnout was low this year due to weather.

As the long cavalcade of 500 entrants wound its way out of London and down to the break at Crawley, it was hit by the rain and high winds.

Conditions had improved by the afternoon and those that made the finish at Madeira Drive in Brighton, did so under sunshine and blue skies.

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Gale force winds on the coast in the morning meant it was too dangerous to even try to erect the traditional finish line gantry.

In spite of the conditions, there was a high percentage of finishers.

Some of them had taken shelter until the worst of the weather passed, hoping they had left enough time to make Brighton before the 4.30pm curfew.

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