MoT certificates to change again



MoT cerificates are changing…

The new style certificates are now printed on plain paper in black ink instead of on pre-printed coloured forms. This new look certificate shows that an MoT pass result has been recorded on the central computerised database of MoT test results, but can be printed on any standard printer.

Now, as part of a recent MoT review, Transport Secretary Justine Greening wants measures taken to deter ‘clocking’, with changes being phased in over the next 18 months.

Later this year, to help prevent vehicle clocking, previous mileage history will be added to the MoT certificate, or VT20. The certificate will show the mileage and date associated with the three most recently issued VT20s, along with the mileage for the current test. As part of the EU Directive changes, the vehicle’s country of registration must also be recorded.

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Other changes currently under consideration include centring the document title, adding a faint background and reintroducing the Advisories Issued box to help prevent advisories from being masked or removed.

What it will also include is more prominent wording on the certificate to encourage people to check their vehicle’s test details online to ensure the certificate is genuine. Since 2005, all official MoT records have been held electronically by VOSA, but widespread acceptance by the general public of the old-style green MoT certificates meant the details were rarely checked any further.

Should a certificate be lost or need checking as to its validity (important when viewing a prospective purchase), people can now check and verify MoT history at

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Information includes past test details, current MoT status, mileage on the vehicle at the time of the test, date of the last test and the expiry date of the test. It will also state if the vehicle failed an MoT test. This information can then be compared against the paper certificate to ensure it’s genuine.

Information searched for online goes back to 2005 when the MoT scheme was computerised. To check a vehicle’s MoT status or history online you will need the vehicle registration mark and MoT test number from either the VT20 test certificate or the VT30 refusal certificate. If neither of these are available, then the document reference number from the V5C registration certificate can be used.

For more information on the changes, go to or call the VOSA Contact Centre on 0300 123 9000.

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