The film career of Harry Lorraine was not one of particularly great renown due to the fact that records from that period (the 1920s through to the 1930s) are fairly scant… and because filmography was not as advanced nor as widely accessible as it is today.
Lorraine was involved with films and filmmaking for several decades and was entrenched in the industry, but it seems he is most widely known, at least in motorcycling circles of the day, for his love of performing stunts on his Cyril Pullin-designed Douglas EW model motorcycle – something that his natural aptitude for marketing and showmanship could help turn into some quick cash when his work in films was on the slow burn.
In this photograph from the spring of 1926 we see Lorraine stood outside the Douglas Showroom in Bristol after completing what could be considered to be the most remarkable stunt of his career.
Read more in May’s issue of TCM