As many will be aware, John is the only man to have been world champion in the blue riband class of both two- and four-wheeled motorsport. That achievement is easy to say and perhaps we underestimate just what a feat it was. For many, the pinnacle of a career, the fruit of a lifetime’s dedication, is to be crowned world champion in one’s chosen sport. To do so is a remarkable achievement. But to then change sport, and reach the top in that one too, is an achievement which we’ll never see the likes of again.
This year is the 50th anniversary of John winning his four-wheeled world title and we’ve arranged for a 1964 Formula One Ferrari to be on the main stand, where it accompanies an MV four of the type John used to clinch his two-wheeled world titles.
The fascinating parallels between the two concerns which John represented – MV Agusta and Ferrari – are striking, especially when it came to the fact both companies had an identifiable, world-famous figurehead leading them, in the forms of Count Agusta and Enzo Ferrari. So John was employed by two of the most important figures in 20th century motorsport.
John also ran his own car racing team too, where he employed none other than Mike Hailwood as a driver. Add that John was an apprentice at Vincent, was employed by Joe Craig to ride works Nortons, dominated short circuit racing in Britain and ran his own dealership, as well as restoring and resurrecting a bevy of classic beauties, and the sheer magnitude of the man’s actions and experiences become evident. A guest of honour, indeed.
As well as the Surtees tribute, we’ll be welcoming a few other special machines to the main stand, including the one and only Moto Major, an incredible looking, one-off machine built by Italian Salvatore Majorca in 1949. It’s not just outlandish looking – there’s some ‘innovative’ features too, including no suspension other than rubber mountings within the wheels. Different, indeed, and this represents an incredibly rare opportunity to see something that has never been seen in this country before.
The opportunity to see something new and fresh is exciting, while it’s also great to see a whole host of familiar faces and have a proper catch up. That’s the true beauty of Stafford, a perfect blend of new and familiar, combined to create a classic show, in name and reality.
We hope you enjoy the whole weekend.
James Robinson, Editor, The Classic MotorCycle
Show schedule, Saturday
09.00 Show Opens
10.00 Bonhams sale open for viewing (open until 17.30)*
10.15 Owd Codgers Kick Start – at the side of the Dirtbike Experience Hall
10.30 Owd Codgers Trials demonstration – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
11.00 World Champion John Surtees on stage – Main Hall
12.00 Firing up the legends in the Classic Racer GP Paddock, with John Surtees signing autographs
13.00 Q & A with James Robinson, editor of The Classic MotorCycle on the Mortons Stand (Stand M0) – Main Hall
13.00 Tim Britton, editor of Classic Dirtbike, on stage with the off-road stars – Dirt Bike Experience Hall
13.30 Owd Codgers Kick Start – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
14.00 Owd Codgers Trials demonstration – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
15.00 Firing up the legends in the Classic Racer GP Paddock, with John Surtees signing autographs
16.00 World Champion John Surtees on stage – Main Hall
*Bonhams catalogue needed
09.00 Show Opens
09.00 Bonhams sale open for viewing*
10.15 Owd Codgers Kick Start – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
10.30 Owd Codgers Trials demonstration – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
11.00 Bonhams Memorabilia & Spares auction commences*
11.00 World Champion John Surtees on stage – Main Hall
12.00 Bonhams motorcycle auction commences*
12.00 Firing up the legends in the Classic Racer GP Paddock, with John Surtees signing autographs
13.00 Q & A with James Robinson, editor of The Classic MotorCycle on the Mortons Stand (Stand M0) – Main Hall
13.00 Tim Britton, editor of Classic Dirtbike, on stage with the off-road stars – Dirt Bike Experience Hall
13.30 Owd Codgers Kick Start – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
14.00 Owd Codgers Trials demonstration – at the side of the Dirt Bike Experience Hall
15.00 Firing up the legends in the Classic Racer GP Paddock, with John Surtees signing autographs
16.00 Trophy presentation on stage with World Champion John Surtees – Main Hall
*Bonhams catalogue needed
Remember to follow us on the Classic Bike Shows Facebook page for live reporting!
John Surtees interview