The near side seat knob on my Norton Commando had to be removed to allow the seat to be fully lifted up and rest against the seat stay cable.
But removing the knob meant that I could leave it behind, or leave it loose and so lose it when riding. Therefore I came up with this solution.
Some previous owner had butchered the roll pin that used to hold it in place, (forced it off the motorcycle). The roll pin is bent on the inside of the thread.

I tried to remove it but it is that bad that it was damaging the aluminium.
I have been asked why I didn’t just re-drill and fit another roll pin on the other side, or should I say the FB peers, ridiculed me as such.
With a roll pin in the knob it can’t be removed so the seat still cannot be opened fully (and was also damaging the seat trim) so therefore I would only be compounding the problem.
Read more of this Letter and other Letters, Opinion, News and Features in the October 2019 issue of OBM – on sale now!