
  • Reference: Norton Dominator 650SS

    Reference: Norton Dominator 650SS



    By the early 60s, Norton was beginning to make engines which were capable of exploiting the performance of its world-renowned frames, and the 650cc Dominator was one such bike…

  • Buying Guide: Suzuki GT550

    Buying Guide: Suzuki GT550



    At the time Suzuki’s GT550 was probably the ideal two-stroke triple but has somehow become one of the 70s most overlooked machines. We take another look…

  • Road Test: BSA B25S Starfire

    Road Test: BSA B25S Starfire



    Despite a few minor niggles, and the motorcycle trade’s reference to bike as the ‘hand grenade’, because it went a short distance then exploded, the BSA Starfire was a capable 250. But just a shame that it was 10 years too late…

  • Honda CBX750

    Honda CBX750



    Hedging your bets is never a bad thing to do and if you happen to be Honda reeling from the shock of getting your first V-four spectacularly wrong it might almost look like a lifeline…

  • Road Test: Triumph SD

    Road Test: Triumph SD



    Triumph’s SD was based upon the despatch rider’s favourite, the Model H, but used Triumph’s own three-speed gearbox rather than the H’s Sturmey Archer and had chain replacing the belt final drive…

  • Road Test: Royal Enfield Interceptor

    Road Test: Royal Enfield Interceptor



    As the Americans are reported to say ‘there’s no substitute for cubes’ and Royal Enfield’s Interceptor range was aimed at this important market. Tim Britton has a ride on some export examples…

  • Road Test: Norton Dominator 99SS

    Road Test: Norton Dominator 99SS



    The Norton Dominator 99SS is a rarity anyway, so an original and unrestored one is quite possibly unique, if there’s such a thing. Roy Poynting explains…

  • Ariel Huntmaster rebuild: 13

    Ariel Huntmaster rebuild: 13



    This is it. This really is The End. All twelve-part series should have at least thirteen parts, don’t you agree? And this is the last. I think I’d have to commit either ritual murder or ritual suicide if I wrote any more about this once-singed motorcycle. Frank Westworth looks back over the rebuild and considers…

  • Ariel Huntmaster rebuild: 12

    Ariel Huntmaster rebuild: 12



    The End. It’s been over a year, but now The End is finally at hand. Frank Westworth rides his rebuild…

  • Road Test: Paton PG500R

    Road Test: Paton PG500R



    Team Paton was the most enduring privateer effort in Grand Prix racing, with a presence in the world’s top championship, which began in 1967 with the four-stroke twin-effort and, with a short break, ran through until 2001. Malc Wheeler rides the last of the great privateer GP bikes…

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