
  • Looking back: 1977

    Looking back: 1977



    It was a time of punk rock, Barry Sheene, Star Wars, page three stunners, big hair and even bigger flares. Welcome to the year that was 1977…

  • Road Test: BSA Spitfire

    Road Test: BSA Spitfire



    Whether the Americans truly desired the specification of machinery that we sent them, or whether it was merely the interpretation of the factory stylists in their smoky offices of the 50s remains arguable. However, one thing is for sure, these days in particular, that era of Trans Atlantic styling is eye-catchingly different…

  • Yamaha TZR250

    Yamaha TZR250



    Even in the second millenium a 250 ‘stroker is a potent missile and the TZR250 is quite possibly the considered weapon of choice…

  • Television scrambles

    Television scrambles



    In December 1954, the first specially-staged TV scramble took place at Beenham. Little did anyone know just how popular the winter series would become…

  • Brands Hatch 1980: Anglo American Match Races

    Brands Hatch 1980: Anglo American Match Races



    The story broke, in March 1980, that Barry Sheene would be missing from the British team for the Anglo American Match Races, after he had failed to agree start money terms with Motor Circuit Developments boss Chris Lowe…

  • Road Test: Panther-Norton

    Road Test: Panther-Norton



    When Featherbed based specials are mentioned, several variations of power unit come to mind but hardly ever would P&M’s slogging old sloper feature in the list. Jim Reynolds meets one such man for whom such ‘prejudices’ do not exist and finds that even the most bizarre concoction can produce remarkable results…

  • Speedway JAP



    Considering it was almost never made, the competition single had an extraordinarily successful competition career. It is fortunate that John Prestwich, founder of the world-famous company that manufactured JAP engines, had second thoughts after visiting a local speedway meeting in 1928…

  • Reference: Ariel VH32 Red Hunter

    Reference: Ariel VH32 Red Hunter



    This four-valve sporting Ariel single was only catalogued for the single season, though its name lived on…

  • Road Test: BSA G14

    Road Test: BSA G14



    The BSA G14 was, by the 1930s, a far-from-advanced piece of kit. But the qualities it possessed were still popular – and indeed still are today. This G14 has been restored by well-known Hertfordshire restorer Robin James and is a super example…

  • Yamaha FZ750: 25 things

    Yamaha FZ750: 25 things



    Yamaha’s FZ750 was possibly the biggest leap forward of any Japanese motorcycle ever. Just 12 months after Kawasaki’s GPZ900R had seemingly secured the title. 25 years on much of the FZ’s design remains a blueprint for motorcycle engineering…

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