
  • Iconic engines: BSA 441cc Victor

    Iconic engines: BSA 441cc Victor



    The motorcycle world was changing fast in 1965, BSA was fully embracing modernity, the Goldie had gone, scrambles successes were coming thanks to the unit single engine and the company felt it was time to launch the new version to the world…

  • Straight from the plate: Testing times



    The ACU’s Six Days Stock Machine Trial provided a tough test for ‘standard’ machines, with 1927’s event typical…

  • Classic Camera: Fuelling an SD, May 1921

    Classic Camera: Fuelling an SD, May 1921



    In a feature entitled ‘Nine months with a chain-drive Triumph’ The Motor Cycle detailed how “…since the end of May 1920 we have had a 4hp all-chain Triumph in constant daily use, and, since our mileage on this machine now amounts to over 8000 it is possible to give a sound estimate of its qualities…

  • Road Test: Abingdon King Dick Model 78

    Road Test: Abingdon King Dick Model 78



    Abingdon King Dick, or the company’s safer internet search name AKD, were early pioneers of the tricycle, motorcycle and took an active lead in the development of its own range of engines, which was unusually forward looking and gained the company a lot of respect…

  • Miniatures on ACU test

    Miniatures on ACU test



    In 1923 the ACU organised a special test of smaller capacity bikes which included a reliablity run from London to Brighton and back…

  • Buying Guide: Kawasaki KH250B2

    Buying Guide: Kawasaki KH250B2



    Kawasaki’s screaming triple two-strokes found a place in most bikers’ hearts. Adrenaline-fuelled power delivery and unsual handling was a recipe for many memories! Here we focus on the baby of the range – the 250…

  • New look Classic Motorcycle Mechanics!

    New look Classic Motorcycle Mechanics!



    We’ve been busy bees here at CMM, conducting surveys and focus groups in a bid to find out what you want to see in CMM. The October issue will aim to show we’ve listened…

  • Workshop: Norton gearbox overhaul

    Workshop: Norton gearbox overhaul



    We reveal the basic dismantling, repair and assembly procedure to the most common Norton gearbox…

  • Road Test: MV Agustas

    Road Test: MV Agustas



    MV Agusta’s exotic sports bikes of the Seventies offered a glimpse into the technology of two decades earlier, and limited production made them even more exclusive and desirable. John Nutting tested a number of versions while at Motor Cycle. Here’s his verdict…

  • F2 Motorcycles branches out in Cambridgeshire

    F2 Motorcycles branches out in Cambridgeshire



    Old Bike Mart editor Tim Britton visits David Angel, guardian of F2 Motorcycles, who is stretching his wings in his new home…

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