Road Tests
Road Test: Harley-Davidson Electra Glide
Buy a Harley-Davidson and enter a world of knuckleheads, springers, flatheads, softails, early shovels, and a lifestyle like no other, Richard Rosenthal samples a taste of the American Dream, and comes away impressed – sort of…
Road Test: Norvil Commando
Sometimes steady modification and improvements aren’t just quite enough and a radical rethink is necessary. Rod Ker tells the tale of how Norvil continues to prove that the twin is anything but dead…
Road Test: Kawasaki H1 500
Thirty years on, the 500 Kawasaki two stroke triple’s fearsome reputation for all-or-nothing engine power delivery seems over-exaggerated. However, it still provides excitement by the shed load, and at the time it must have been like being hit on the back of the head with a baseball bat. Rod Ker tries one out…
Road Test: Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide Classic
2003 was the centennial year for America’s legendary Harley-Davidsons and Rod Ker gets a taste of the unique (and sometimes downright scary) motorcycling experience that 800 lbs-worth of Milwaukee V-twin provides…
Road Test: Matchless ‘Golden Eagle’ G50CSR
‘Why, oh why, didn’t AMC produce it?’ asks Peter Dobson. Whatever the reason, it remained a homologation special for its brief life…
Road Test: Rudge Special (1938)
Though it was called a ‘Special’ the so-named model was actually the cooking 500cc single in the Rudge range – much to the embarrassment of one concours judge who awarded it first prize in the Specials’ Class at a classic show, much to the derision from Triton builders…
Road Test: Triumph Hurricane X-75
Triumph’s Trident and the similar BSA Rocket Three, both great bikes, bombed in America because of their blocky styling. Craig Vetter’s Hurricane addressed that styling issue. Tim Britton hits the UK coast on a restored Triumph Hurricane X-75 custom cruiser to see what all the fuss was about…
Road Test: Triumph TRW
Jim Reynolds rides a smart Triumph TRW, the side-valve 500cc twin that was standard issue to the Nato forces in the 1950s and 60s. It’s been a while since Jim had ridden a TRW but the bike’s quiet charm is perfect for making friends…
Road Test: AJS H9 Touring Model
The 4.98hp AJS Touring Model quickly earned a reputation for versatility. It offered a broad top-gear performance range and an impressive load-carrying ability, which appealed equally to commercial carriers and private enthusiasts. In this instance, patience seems to be the key to owning this flat-tanker…
Road Test: Fantic 245
In Issue 21 we were invited along to a secret test location in Derbyshire to see half a dozen air-cooled monoshock trials bikes put through their paces by Mick Andrews and Nigel Birkett. This issue we’re going to have a closer look at Danny Littlehales’ Fantic 245…