Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, the magazine dedicated to the buying, riding and rebuilding of the later classics and Japanese machines, has a fantastic new issue lined up for you this month.

As always, this issue of CMM magazine is bursting with workshop tips, cracking features and a look at what’s happening in the motorcycle world.
If you’d like to read the January edition of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, then you can order a print copy, save the trees and download the digital version, or bag yourself a bargain and subscribe to get CMM monthly!
1999 SUZUKI SV650
Bertie recalls when he could fit on this lithe V-twin
Dan Sager rates, rides and BUYS this retro charmer
Mark Haycock had this single for the summer
Why Suzuki really should build another V-twin sportster…
Plus much more!
Classic Motorcycle Mechanics magazine is on sale in UK newsagents and supermarkets, or you can buy the current issue in digital and paper formats here!