Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, the magazine dedicated to the buying, riding and rebuilding of the later classics and Japanese machines, has a fantastic new issue lined up for you this month.

As always, this issue of CMM magazine is bursting with workshop tips, cracking features and a look at what’s happening in the motorcycle world.
If you’d like to read the April edition of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, then you can order a print copy, save the trees and download the digital version, or bag yourself a bargain and subscribe to get CMM monthly!
Andy Bolas rides two modern Yam MTs with the heart of a YPVS
2003 HONDA CB1300
Bertie Simmonds finally finds a bike that fits him!
Steve Cooper falls for this big twin’s cruiser charms
Paul Berryman’s cheap centrefold!
Plus much more!
Classic Motorcycle Mechanics magazine is on sale in UK newsagents and supermarkets, or you can buy the current issue in digital and paper formats here!