
  • Place correction

    Place correction



    With regards to the Louie McLean article in the August 2019 issue and the statement that her husband George “went on to run a motorcycle dealership in Perthshire”. George McLean’s business was in Dundee and

  • Rider identification

    Rider identification



    I have just opened my copy of the July mag and noticed that on page 28 you have named the rider on the sidecar as possibly being Bruce Main-Smith. I can say that the rider

  • More on Meier

    More on Meier



    With reference to Herman Meier, as featured in You Were Asking in the TCM of August 2019, I met Herman several times. The pictured bike was ridden in sprints by John Kimberley, and I suggest

  • It’s… and… with…

    It’s… and… with…



    Dear CR Yet another great mag (#198 July/August) and the where and when picture did indeed get me thinking, so many cross issues to note. To start, the two Nortons made me think 1973 but

  • Joy of Atlas

    Joy of Atlas



    I was struggling to read the June issue, having just got back from having some swarf excavated from my eye at the local hospital (by the most delightful young lady!) and I chanced upon the

  • Cadwell outfits

    Cadwell outfits



    As Cadwell Park hosts the Sidecar Revival Meeting I thought it would be appropriate to include the last three Colin Clark images of sidecar outfits in the 1950s. The first is a Norton outfit (70)

  • Very acceptable

    Very acceptable



    I enjoyed the article on the Ariel VA/VB. Enclosed is a photo of a 1939 Ariel VA that I found in Princes Risborough, approximately 1990. It was one owner and came with tax discs from

  • Side valves as solos

    Side valves as solos



    I was pleased that the article on the Ariel VB (OBM April) did not concentrate solely on those old side valves as just being able to pull a heavy sidecar around, but were also capable

  • Editor’s Welcome

    Editor’s Welcome



    Phew, that’s been some month. It’s flown by, a full schedule of event and visits, with plenty of riding on a wide variety of motorcycles, from vintage to modern and others in between. The type

  • West Indies Indian?

    West Indies Indian?



    After speaking to Dave at the Bike Shed Show in London, here’s the pic that I mentioned at the time. The photo was taken in 1934 in Aruba, in the Dutch West Indies, and I’m

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