Allcomers have a blast at final sprint



Don Daly giving it all on his Manx Norton in the 220 yard sprint at Eelmoor

Bernie White completed some eight-second runs on his Douglas SW6 with a best of 8.21 and a 80mph terminal speed.

Andrew Taylor, on his hill-climbing Ariel ‘Badger’ was more than a second in arrears. Roger Pailes was best of the postwar category, with a three-tenths advantage over Don Daly on his Manx Norton.

Andrew’s Ariel was ideal for the tight turns and he was a second in front of Daniel Newman’s MOV Velocette. Don Daly eased his Norton around, beating Tony Sergeant’s Triumph to top the later bikes.

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Peter Allum was spoilt for choice with a Hagon Triumph sprint bike for the straight line event and a smart Tribsa road bike for the twisty element. 






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