Ardingly Festival



From left: Andrew Remnant (BSA A10 Streetfighter), Bob Jenkins (BSA A65 & B31) and Steve Smith (Morgo Triton)

This huge annual event occupies many acres of the South of England Showground, with the theme of ‘transport’ interpreted in a delightfully liberal way. Nevertheless, plenty of spectators were attracted to the bike section, where some 164 pre-entries formed an impressive display. Included were the oldest bike, the 1915 2.5hp Triumph Baby of Colin Hudson, and an example of the last of the twins to leave Meriden and so much from in between.

Once again, the Moto Rumi and Sussex British Motorcycle Owners clubs supported the Festival. The high-performance fifties scooters made a colourful contrast with examples of some of the best bikes that Britain offered in the classic era.

The wet grass of the show arena offered little grip and so the organisers sensibly allowed the cavalcade of mixed machinery a few laps around the tarmac roads defining the area. VMCC stalwart, knowledgeable Tony Donnithorne, took the microphone to explain it all to the many onlookers.

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