Brighton Speed Trials open!



Motorcycles and cars are eligible in both road and race trim. Around 200 entries are expected on two and four wheels and there are a range of categories. The Brighton Speed Trials is a competition event so you will need a competition licence to enter. Details are on the website.

Tony Watts of the Brighton and Hove Motor Club said: “We are expecting a very busy event this year after the overwhelming support we received to save the Speed Trials after initial resistance from the council.”

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After the council initially declined an application to run the event in 2014, a petition with over 12,400 names and a major press and social media campaign forced the council to re-think its decision and the Speed Trials are back on. Among the supporters were Sir Stirling Moss, Brighton-based bestselling author Peter James, Tiff Needell of Fifth Gear, Nick Mason of Pink Floyd and Top Gear’s The Stig.





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