• In balance
The causes and effects of ground clearance, or lack of same, mainly concern the editor this issue.
• Read all about it!
What’s happening in the off-road world? Read it here. It’s a simple process – people tell us, we tell you, job done.
All you need to know about making sure your copy of CDB drops on your doorstep regularly. If it doesn’t then make sure you tell us and we’ll sort it.
• Last chance to win our bike
The end and the beginning… as our Can-Am must be won by a CDB reader, and we bring in a new face – Bruce Wilson – to get down and dirty with our new project bike.
• Dirt products
Bits, bobs, bars and bags, all sorts for the dirt rider in your life.
• Smith tales
Not exactly the ‘ice man’ but the ‘ice cream man’. Jeff Smith whips up a tale of time in Italy.
• An hour with American MX legends
Who’s in there? Go look!
• Dirt talk
With all these events going on it’s a wonder off-roaders have time to sit down and write us a letter… maybe they don’t, maybe they yell it out as they pass their pit crew.
• Moto memories
When a trials rider falls, there’s always an audience, often someone with a camera and sometimes it’s wet too.
• Wright or wrong
The off-road world must tremble wondering just exactly what our most controversial and thought provoking columnist has to say.
• Out there and getting dirty
It’s all been going on despite the weather – 11 pages of scrambles, trials and shows, were you at any of them? Should we have been at your do? Tell us and we’ll try and get there, meanwhile here’s our selection.
• Feet up all the way
Yes, Davy Morewood rode this Ariel around the pre-65 Scottish and didn’t put a foot wrong in two days. We have a ride.
• Something special
Mix a replica A10 frame with an A65 motor, add in some bigger pistons, Italian forks, lightweight hubs and get a tasty BSA that’s something special.
• Bigger is better… or is it?
Are off-roaders, as a breed, convinced that a bigger bike is better because it’s bigger, or should we be going smaller? CDB poses the question.
• Engineered excellence
Talon Engineering makes sprockets, doesn’t it? Yes… and quite a bit more too, CDB pops down to the South West to visit.
• You need…
… a Bultaco Frontera in your life. We tell you why.
• A brave attempt
There are dreamers in the motorcycle world and then there are those that make dreams come true. Michael Martin and George Sartin certainly made motorcycles.
• A wee Villa in Scotland
While Scotland is a nice country, it’s not the first place you’d think of for a villa. Oh! This is a Moto Villa, an Italian MXer, Chris Montignani explains.
• A matter of exclusivity
Honda’s RTL250 was never a mainstream motorcycle but it was always desirable. It worked well too.
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