• In balance
Punctures can be a bit of a let down in more ways than one, by the same token there are more ways than one to repair a burst tube
• News, views and reviews
If it’s happened, happening or just happened then this is the place to find out about it, only the off-road world of course…
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• Original and unrestored
It amazes us when these unrestored bikes turn up, but they do and we’re glad as there’s something exciting about an untouched machine
• Something special
We’ve come a little more modern this time but only because this Honda CR450F was built for a classic event in the African desert
• You need…
…one of these in your shed, or garage, or workshop. At least we reckon you do and feel free to agree or disagree with us over what is just our choice
• Dirt talk
Have your say, tell it like it is, this is the place for discussing all that’s going on or even gone on in the off-road world• Smith tales
As Britain’s first world MX champion, our columnist knows a thing or two about winning, read that championship year in his own words
• Dirt products
Got something for the off-road world? Tell us about it and we’ll tell the world because they need to know y’know
• Moto memories
One of the difficulties of this job is deciding what not to put in the mag and the hardest bit of all is the moto memories page, oh there’s some soul searching
• Round up
Just some of the many events we try to cover throughout the year. From the Pre-65, to Red Marley, the CDB scrambles series to the best of the rest
• The CDB Experience
Now a confirmed part of the Carole Nash Classic Motorcycle Show at Stafford, the CDB Experience has bikes moving and being enjoyed
• Iconic engines
Final one in our series of iconic engines is the big single from Yamaha, yes, the XT. We talk to someone who knows these engines inside out
• Rebuilt to ride
Rebuilding for show is all well and good but dirt bikes look great dirty and this is what will happen to this superb and special Goldie
• Tech talk
A glimpse into fettling up some part of your bike. This issue our show’s manager Nick Mowbray swaps a damper on his Yam. It’s easy, you could do it too
• Tricky decision
We test the winner of the Pre-65 Scottish – Rob Bowyer’s Triumph twin and find some surprising facts…
• That was the year…
…Jeff Smith won his first world scrambles championship. We take a look at what happened in 1964
• A tribute to the past
There are many reasons for building a special, Bill ‘Mr Maico’ Brown did it because he regretted selling his first Trico in the Eighties
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