Classic Dirtbike to go subscription only



Yamaha TY

So, that means there’ll be no popping to WHS or your corner shop on the third Thursday of every February, May, August and October; instead, to get your copy, you’ll need to subscribe, sit back and watch it drop through the letterbox.

While if you’re wise enough to be a current subscriber… you just need to remember to renew.

To do either, call our friendly customer service team on 01507 529529 or you can visit

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We broke the news of these changes in issue 30, and it’s part of a series of positive moves for Classic Dirtbike, a publication which has a great future… and we want you to be part of the ride.

CDB is not far away from being a decade old, and in that time our loyal subscriber base has grown to such an extent we feel the time is right to make the change.

It’s with much excitement that I look forward to fully concentrating my time in to developing this magazine, as well as having the time to further immerse myself in the classic off-road scene.

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Tim Britton, editor Classic Dirtbike

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