Double boost for bikes in bus lanes



Bus lane trial scheme in Westminster

Bikers already have access to bus lanes throughout London’s network of strategic roads under Transport for London (TfL) control after mayor Boris Johnson backed TfL’s decision to make its trial schemes a permanent measure in January this year. Motorcycle use of bus lanes has also been permanent on over half of Westminster’s bus lanes since 2007, following trials that began in 2005.

The new trial effectively completes a patchwork of motorbikes in bus lanes schemes in central London and means that bikers will finally have access to all with-flo bus lanes in the centre of the capital. This will be a big and helpful step to end confusion for riders about which lanes they can use without getting a hefty fine. But there is another crucial aspect of this latest trial scheme that gives an extra boost to calls for bikers to be allowed in all bus lanes throughout the UK.

In addition to the safety benefits for riders, the primary reason Westminster gave for proposing the trial is to improve the efficiency of motorcycle use and thereby help cut congestion related problems such as pollution, fuel consumption and excessive journey times. And, as ‘time saving’ and ‘environmental’ reasons were the main ones given by TfL and the mayor to justify their support of motorbikes in bus lanes, we now have two of the most influential local transport authorities in Britain recognising that motorcycling has many environmental and economic benefits – and that those benefits are enhanced by access to bus lanes.

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Speaking for Westminster in support of the move, Cllr Ed Argar, cabinet member for City Management and Transport, said: “We want to continue making London safer and facilitate traffic flowing as freely as possible. Our long term objective is to solve the congestion problems in London, by creating a safe, clean and vibrant environment in which all road users can benefit from Westminster’s streets.
“With the use of scooters rising by over 11% in 2011, it is important that the council takes action to help two-wheeled road users get around the capital safely. So far, statistics from the TfL pilot studies have shown a 20% improvement in traffic flow for motorbikes, whereas bus travel was completely unchanged including at stops.”

The latest Westminster scheme was first proposed by MSL’s Dr Leon Mannings in January 2011, on behalf of MAG – and on the basis of a TfL study of emissions which showed how bikes are up to 10% more efficient when using bus lanes – and that cars on the same commuting journeys emit up to six times as much CO2 and NOx while using far more fuel and time than comparably sized motorcycles.





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