Electric trike back on road



Trike replica created

The team spent a year conducting research on and reverse engineering the early electric vehicle, until it was brought back to life. This affords the whole world the opportunity to experience the automotive locomotion options available 130 years ago.

The basis used by Ayrton and Perry was the Starley tricycle, which had just been launched. Therefore, the first step taken by Autovison to reverse engineer vehicle was to follow in the two scientists’ footsteps. But the search for a 130-year-old tricycle was no easy feat. Following a lengthy hunt, the team found the much sought-after vehicle. To spare this original – and thus extremely valuable – specimen the toils of conversion to an electric vehicle, during the planning phase, the team had decided to create a replica to scale.

The Autovision Museum is a museum for cars, motorcycles, bicycles (most of which were built by NSU Motorenwerke AG) and alternative propulsion in Altlußheim, a small town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Visit www.autovision-tradition.de for details.

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