Racing a 500 camshaft Norton, he never achieved national glory, although he was a member of the South Midland Centre team that secured the Inter-Centre championships in 1959. Later, he raced a 650 Triton outfit that he kept race ready even after retirement. George was still taking part in demonstrations when he was 94! He loaded his outfit on to a trailer at his Lincolnshire home and drove long distances for the chance of a few more laps. The only nod to age was that he kept a walking-stick strapped alongside the petrol tank!
A true character, when George went racing, a crate of beer always accompanied the toolbox. A good day’s sport was defined as emptying the crate, having shared the beer with racers and friends.
Before moving north, he had a garage business in Slough that specialised in restoring vintage and veteran cars.
The funeral is scheduled for 3pm on 28 August at Alford Crematorium, Lincolnshire, followed by a gathering at the East Kirkby Aviation Centre. Friends, racers and enthusiasts are welcome to attend.