Have a latte in Lahti



Riku Routo was the first to make a change in that respect when he opened Ace Corner Finland in Lahti, a town in the south of Finland.

It works like its London mother ship. It is a great place to hang out. There is eating and drinking, as well as different runs and gatherings.

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Naturally Riku doesn’t attract the same kind of hordes like in London. But in a way he actually has more to offer than his London counterpart, because next to Ace Corner Finland, Riku has set up a beautiful motorcycle museum. The museum houses roughly around 100 motorbikes, including the one Riku himself is most proud of, a Japanese Harley-Davidson, a Rikuo from 1935.

Jari Huovinen is in charge of the interior design of the ‘living’ museum. He sees that the bikes keep changing and that there is every year a new theme in the museum. But he also says that he might consider having permanent stuff also, most likely a Jarno Saarinen exhibition. See more about Ace Corner Finland on its webpage: www.ace-corner-finland.fi





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