International Jampot Rally



Rally attracted over 300 riders

The Kent Section of the club shouldered the responsibility and pulled out all the stops to act as host to more than 300 riders on a splendid variety of Plumstead’s finest and even representatives from the early days in Wolverhampton

The rally – on May 25-28 – was based on ‘The Friars’, the Franciscan priory at Aylesford in Kent. While the majority of those attending came from Britain, there were plenty of European visitors, including two stalwarts who had made the long and involved journey from Sweden.

The itinerary consisted of ride-outs each day and evenings for the social side and musical entertainment. The route to each day’s destination had been carefully planned in the weeks preceding the event. As well as arriving at somewhere of general interest, the ride was to show Kent, the ‘Garden of England’ at its best. Comprehensive marshalling meant stress-free navigation for participants.

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Over 300 riders attended International Jampot RallyA Friday warm-up took everyone to the grass airfield and aviation museum at Headcorn. On Saturday, the trip to Canterbury was a winner when the local council made everyone welcome by even allotting space in a car park convenient for the Cathedral. On Sunday, it was Rochester, another city, another cathedral but a castle as well and some cooperative local businesses that provided a convenient bike park.

It seems to have been a great success judging by the number of congratulatory messages received by the organising team.


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Best single: Bryan Linguard, 1939 G2M Matchless

Best twin: Dave Speck, Matchless G12

Farthest travelled lady from Europe: Sandra van Ewijk, Holland, 500km

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Farthest travelled man from Europe: Gert Rask, Sweden, 1270km

Farthest travelled lady UK: Jean Simmons, Norfolk, 142 miles

Farthest travelled man UK: Steven Pennycook, Scotland, 483 miles

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