This year was the 118th anniversary of the occasion and, as ever, drew thousands to enjoy a common enthusiasm for powered transport.
Unfortunately, this year’s Run was dogged by heavy showers and a headwind, causing unpleasant conditions at best, mechanical problems at worst. The coffee break at Crawley offered some relief and some entries chose to extend this, hoping for a possible weather window.
As ever, three-wheelers, forecars or tricycles, are eligible for both the Veteran Car and the Sunbeam Club’s Pioneer motorcycle runs. Several riders and machines appear in both, although there have been grumbles about the spiralling cost of competing in the car event.
With basic catering, or stronger refreshment, available at many facilities along the way, it’s a popular ride-out destination for motorcycle clubs. Usually, any of the pub car parks will attact an interesting variety of machines, but this is another aspect of the day that was sadly decimated by the weather.