Moidart Peninsula Motorcycle Road Run 2012



All sorts of bikes go on the Moidart run

Taking in the Moidart route for the Scottish Six days Trial of yesteryear, the run includes a visit to the Devil’s Staircase sections. No longer used, this incredible climb twisted and turned its way up an old drover’s track and was the scene of many a trial losing dab.

The organisers – Bob Pearson, Andy Johnstone and John McCrink – have confirmed the route to be the same as last year and the date to be Thursday, May 3. Riders will assemble at Viaduct Car Park on the outskirts of Kinlochleven. The entry fee is £10 and the books close on February 29, 2012.

Entry forms and info, available only by sending a large SAE to John McCrink, Braeside Cottage, Grange Road, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4QT.

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