The ever-popular track at Westonzoyland, near Bridgwater, Somerset, will host four meetings in 2015, in May, June, August and October. In April, July and October, the action transfers to Shakespeare County Raceway in Warwickshire. In the east of the country, a date has still to be finalised for a meeting on the long runway at Woodbridge, in Suffolk.
All the meetings are two-day affairs. There are classes for just about every type and capacity of powered two-wheeler, new and old. As well as the regular capacity classes there are additonal challenges such as the Twins Cup, where a handicap system gives anything with two cylinders an equal chance of success.
More riders will be very welcome at any of the events.
Sprinting is undoubtedly the cheapest speed sport available. For further details send an SAE to: Jayne Glover, 18 De Haviland Close, Merley, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1XU or go to: www.nationalsprintassociation.org
Dates for straightline events in the north of the country have still to be finalised.