Old Bike Mart: news in brief



Win a digital Panasonic camera!

Have you an eye for a good photograph? If so, we want to hear from you. Enter the Classic Bikers Clubphoto competition and you could win £600 worth of digital Panasonic camera and equipment. Read the tees and cees first, as submitted pics cannot be returned.

• Racing in the north
The NEMCRC has finalised its championship dates for 2013.

Croft once again is the host for the first round on April 6/7. This is followed by East Fortune on May 18/19 and to round off the year again at East Fortune on Oct 5/6. All classic classes are once again catered for together with all the modern classes and if post classic is your thing we will also accommodate you.

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Along with the modern F1/F2 sidecars as last year, any classic outfits together with F350 and Post classics outfits are very welcome to race.

• Foreign licence loophole
Foreign drivers must prove they have passed an appropriate driving test before getting a British licence under new Government rules.

Some non EU drivers had previously been able to exchange their licence without proving that the necessary standards to drive in this country had been met.

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The change in law means requests to exchange driving licences from outside the EU will only be accepted if the licence holder can prove they passed a driving test in a country where the testing standards are comparable with those in Britain.

The law will now make clear that the licence to be exchanged will only be issued on the basis that the driver has met the appropriate standards to drive in this country.

• Spring into action for International Classic
For some years now Ian Douglas has been organising a coach for the lads in the Durham area who fancy a hassle-free visit to the Classic Motorcycle Show.

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This year is no different and Ian tells us the luxury Burrell’s Executive coach will leave Barnard Castle PO at 6.30am on April 27.

It will call at the Bedding Centre at Victoria Road in Darlington at 7am and other pick up points on the route by arrangement.

The cost is £33 for adults, £31 for seniors and the deadline for booking is April 10. Call 01833 621302 daytime or 01833 621494 evenings or email [email protected]

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Ian also tells us they’ll be visiting the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show in October.





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