If you have any problems downloading, you can send an SAE to Anne Gordon, Pre-65 Scottish Secretary, Fairshiels, Blackshiels, Pathhead, Midlothian EH37 5SX or email [email protected] to have one sent to you.
The closing date for entries is Friday, December 5, 2014 and, if a ballot is necessary it will take place on Saturday, December 6, so you need to ensure you post your entry in plenty of time. If you want a chance to ride do not leave it to the last minute. Only complete entries on a 2015 entry form will be accepted. Postal entries only – email entries will not be accepted.
• Latest news from Panther Publishing is that Rupert Ratio has been busy delving into BSA unit singledom and produced the third volume of his series for BSA C15, B40, B25, B44, B50 enthusiasts.
Volume three covers models made in small quantities or for specialist applications. All the technical detail supplied in Volumes 1 and 2 will still apply, but this work specifies the changes in parts supplied by the factory for these less well known unit singles. The book also includes lists of specifications for the more common models but which were not covered by the usual parts book, such as the 1964 C15 and B40 models, 1963 C15 competition Models and 1967/68 C15G competition models.
It’s on sale now (ISBN 978-1-909213-17-3), with pages packed full of pics, and will cost you including UK postage £12.95. You can get also get it from Panther Publishing (www.panther-publishing.co.uk) 01494 534778 or email Rollo Turner on r[email protected]