RealClassic 109 out now!



RealClassic 109 out now!

Here’s what’s in the latest issue…

Ariel 350 rebuild
This project has been going on for years; mostly not-going-on but in a sudden flurry of activity Frank Westworth has finally reinstalled the magdyno. This is progress. Slow, but progress nonetheless

RealClassic 109Typical Brit poll results
You voted, and we counted, and here we reveal which British motorcycle of the 20th century can claim to be the quintessential Brit. Clue: the top ten includes Velo singles, Enfield Bullets, Norton Commandos and even BSA Bantams. But you’ll have to read the story to see which model ended up ranked at Number One. And don’t blame us, by the way; you did the voting!

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BSA Bantam build
In Part Two, Odgie attempts to start an engine which has been sat in a box for the better part of 30 years. Might need more than just fresh petrol…

Matchless Silver Hawk
A darling of the pre-war era, this fabulous V4 was years ahead of its time in terms of engineering. In the first of a two-parter we examine the background to the model (and next month consider the restoration of this actual example)

Matchless G3
And here’s another example of Plumstead’s finest – but a rather more down-to-earth model of the marque. Its owner explains why this workaday 350 single is so special to him

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Royal Enfield Constellation
One of Enfield’s sweetest big twins, reckons Frank Westworth, who took this 1959 example for a spin

PantherPanther 120 outfit
This rather special 650 sloper single hauls a sidecar for a living. Odgie met its long-term owner who put the Panther back on the road some two decades ago

Scott Squirrel
The first part of a new rebuild series starts with what should have been a straightforward task, fettling a Flyer into running order. As ever, things weren’t quite so easy as they looked

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Suzuki RE5
If there’s a simple way of doing anything, then Suzuki did exactly the opposite with their rotary-engined roadster. Have your protractor ready for this model profile, roadtest and owner review…

PLUS! It’s time to go travelling on a Triumph to Africa or Venice (on two separate trips, you understand); we recommend a couple of fine motorcycling tomes which have recently come back into print; PUB has been cooking up motorcycle components on the hob; Dave Minton admires the art of capturing action and RC readers share their stories about buying a 961 Commando, racing lightweight Triumphs, filtering Triumph oil, the modern qualities of Hammerite, and the perplexing problem of failing spark plugs…

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