Ride to Work Day



Ride To Work day is approaching

There will also be events taking place across the country at local dealerships, clothing stores and cafes – go to the website to find your nearest event. Special offers, biker breakfasts, rideouts and after work barbecues are just some of the other activities taking place both on the weekend before and on Ride to Work Day itself.

Private companies and workplaces will also be showing their support for the day with some offering Have a Go events for non-riders or Lunch & Learn talks or demonstrations promoting the economy and freedom of biking. If your workplace or local dealership would like to hold an event, email [email protected] with the details.

Put Monday, June 18 in your diary for the annual Ride to Work Day.

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More information www.ridetoworkday.co.uk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RidetoWorkDayUK





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