Roads Minister joins MAG



Roads Minister Mike Penning

Although MAG’s membership already numbers various MPs it has never before counted a minister within its ranks, but as Mr Penning said on the night, MAG has never had as much political respect or credibility either.

More than 40 new local MAG groups have started in the last two years, and local campaigning has recently resulted in the removal of tolls for motorcycles on the Humber Bridge and Tyne Tunnel, as well as opening bus lane access to bikes in towns and cities as diverse as Bedford and London, where Transport for London has opened all the ‘red routes’ it controls. May 6 sees the remainder of the bus lanes within Westminster City Council’s area opening too and all over the country highways authorities are beginning trials into non-slip manhole covers as a result of MAG’s Get A Grip campaign, which Mr Penning applauded for its positive, proactive stance.

MAG is now working closely with the Department for Transport in the motorcycle Test Review and regarding the new EU Type Approval Regulation which threatens, among other things, to curtail riders’ ability to modify their machines.

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Mike Penning began riding when he was 16 and is delighted to have just secured ownership of a 1974 Triumph Bonneville.





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