Rockers’ Reunion



John Lee and the Gold Star that provides pleasure and pain in equal measure

The Rockers Reunion brought thousands back to the seafront at Brighton, scene of some of the more dramatic images. Whether scootering or motorcycle mounted the atmosphere was distinctly friendly, with everyone intent on enjoying a ride out on a pleasant, late summer’s day.

Progress is inevitable, and the sports bikes that are, arguably, a direct legacy of the sixties cafe racers were present in thousands, considerably out-numbering  representatives of the British industry’s finest. However, a search among the lines of plastic fantastics revealed a number of bikes in the tradition, including Gold Stars, a good selection of Tritons and a sprinkling of other specials.

John Lee had ridden his 1960 DBD34 Clubman’s Gold Star from Essex. He has owned the bike since 1967, when he struggled to find the £4 weekly repayments on the bike. Restoration followed some years out of use. He persists with the original specification, including the close ratio gearbox, but describes ownership as a love/hate relationship, although admitting he would never sell the bike.

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