Save the Brighton Speed Trials!



Register your objections to save the Trials!

But don’t delay, the e-petition only runs until January 23, 2014!

The Speed Trials has been running in Brighton since 1905 and is one of the highlights of the seafront entertainment calendar. Thousands of people come down for an entertaining fun-packed day out for the whole family to watch some of the UK’s best race cars and motor bikes compete along Madeira Drive. Over two hundred cars and motorcycles, of all descriptions – road cars, race cars and drag bikes – compete to win the fastest in their class. A top six run-off to find the fastest car and bike brings the day to a dramatic close.

Tony Watts from the Brighton and Hove Motor Club commented: “We are appealing to motorsport fans, local residents and everyone who enjoys a family day out at the seaside to help us save this historic event. The loss of the Brighton Speed Trials will be the end of an era for Brighton with over 100 years of history and entertainment in the area gone.”

Article continues below…

> Council e-petition





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