They arrived on the Welsh coast at about 7pm – though sadly the weather was overcast and they couldn’t see the sunset. Isle of Wight based Jeff Read, the main instigator, reported they rode 410 miles ‘point to point’, while Jeff’s total mileage on his rigid-framed, girder-forked 83-year-old Norton, by the time he retuned home, was 985 miles, in three days. The combined age of the bikes and riders was nearly 1000 years.
The other seven in the group were Tim Simkins, Tony Ingram (both on Velocette Venoms), Doug Mitchell, Dick Somers (AJS parallel twins), Martin Ingram (Triumph twin), Dave Gibson (BSA B33) and Brian Graves (Tribsa). Only problems were encountered by Doug in the form of two broken cables and a puncture.