Speedway reunion



Mauger was based in Buxton, but was skipper of Exeter speedway team. Every week, Manchester-based Chris and the Jawa made the long, pre-motorway haul south to Exeter. After the evening’s racing the bike, one of four he raced, came back to be prepared for the next outing. “Pretty basic stuff, really,” Chris recalled. “The clutch was the priority. We checked it very carefully. A quick look at the valves, but for serious attention the engines went to Guy Allott. Ivan was one of the first to use Jawas and maintenance was so much easier than the old JAPs.

Ivan Mauger did not have to suffer the tedious hours of late night travel. As part of his contract he flew to Exeter and was collected in the team manager’s Rolls-Royce!

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Nowadays, Chris McDonald is Commercial Manager of Eastbourne Speedway, Ivan Mauger lives in Australia and the bike is part of Hubbard’s speedway museum.





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