Spread the work at work with the latest campaign day



The goal is to promote the benefits of commuting by motorcycle or scooter and to show other commuters just how easy and convenient powered two wheeled travel is.

Benefits include cost and time savings plus the enjoyment factor for the rider. The day is being promoted by the Get On campaign which is itself backed by an alliance of motorcycle manufacturers and dealers.

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A spokesman for Ride to Work Day said: “A stressful commute is no small problem in today’s world. With more and more of us travelling further for work, commuting can take up a sizeable chunk of the day – so why not enjoy it?”

Ride to Work Day also involves events taking place at venues all over the UK, including at motorcycle dealerships, biker cafes and associated companies. For details of your nearest Ride to Work Day event visit www.ridetoworkday.co.uk





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