Superior effort for Comic Relief



John Wallis and the SS80 back in 1973

The epic trek will be made to raise money for Comic Relief. John said: “The trip is likely to be at least 4000 miles which I plan to do over 3-4 weeks starting June 25, from the Milton Keynes museum.

“Most nights I will be staying with friends at approximately 200 mile intervals. I will be riding alone, without backup (apart from the standard breakdown recovery with my insurance company). I wondered whether Old Bike Mart readers would be interested in my ride. While doing this I hope to raise funds for Comic Relief to aid its very worthwhile work in Africa and UK.

“There is a link on my website if anyone wants to donate. All the money donated will go to Comic Relief – I will pay for all my expenses – fuel, food and accommodation, etc.

Article continues below…

“I will update the website with what is happening re preparations and hopefully photos as I travel.”





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