Thanks to generous IOMSPC travellers



Collections on board sailings to the Isle of Man during the 2017 TT Festival raised a record £19,465 for the Rob Vine Fund.

Since the Steam Packet Company first instigated the collection, a total in excess of £255,000 has been donated to the fund, which was established in memory of Rob Vine, a competitor who died after a crash at the Black Dub during the 1985 Senior TT.

It is a voluntary charity that provides pre-hospital medical and rescue care, equipment and training of medics for a number of motorsport events held in the Island.

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The cheque was presented to Dr David Stevens, founder of the Rob Vine Fund. David said: “I am overwhelmed by the incredible generosity of TT fans. Every year they demonstrate fantastic support for the Fund, but the total donated in 2017, which has smashed the previous record, has astonished us all.

“Every penny will go towards helping the fund to continue its important work in ensuring vital medical and rescue equipment is available and medic training continues.”

Isle of Man Steam Packet Company chief executive Mark Woodward commented: “There is a real sense of community among road racing fans and every year they dig deep to make a personal contribution to support the essential work the Rob Vine Fund does for the sport.”

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To find out more about the charity, visit

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