The way we were: 1912



A total of 159 riders set off from locations across England with the single aim of delivering their message (a postcard) to Maidenhead Railway Station at precisely one o’clock. Allotted speed schedules varied between 20-30mph and mileage covered ranged from under 50 miles to 220 miles. Seven riders from different starting locations arrived at exactly 1pm and by 3pm 67 had clocked in. Considering the atrocious conditions the Army was impressed.

The prize awarded by The Motor Cycle went jointly to S Sawer and F Dover (both 3½hp Premier, shown above) from Sheffield, 162 miles. Farthest travelled were Sgt W T Tanfield and G S Bowman (6hp Rex-JAP oufit) from Hull (220 miles) while the best performance was by three entrants who rode 177 miles from Winsford, Cheshire, but were seven-and-a-half minutes late due to having to find change to pay the toll at Cookham Bridge.            





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